Picked my wife up from the Nashville International Airport (BNA) this weekend, and just happened to see a nice patch of clouds. So I shot an auto-exposure bracket and stacked them in Photoshop using the Overlay blending mode.
The Moon is nearly full
Waxing Gibbous Moon (97.4% full):
I know this is a pretty plain, uneventful photo, but nonetheless I feel compelled to give a shout-out to the fine folks at PhotoPills. PhotoPills is one hell of an app—most photographers use it to create stunning astronomical photos, but I’m just getting started with the app, so it’s enough that it let me know when the Moon would appear on the back side of my house where I’m shielded from street lights… Thanks!
Photography by Paul Landry is the personal visual dumping ground of Paul Landry:
- • professional software engineer
- •enthusiast / advanced amateur photographer
- • (Apple) / Mac / iOS guy
- • partially omniscient, witty, tech geek
- • user of “adult language” (oh my!)
- • 37?!?
- • rock / blues / jazz fan
- • skeptic, and
- • raconteur…
Name and Pronouns
“Paul” / “he/him/his”
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