Month: August 2020

Our Grandson

Yesterday, my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting our grandson for the first time. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Siraj Jamar “S.J.” Holt:

Given the lighting of the location, the fact that I wanted to avoid flash, and that I brought my 24-120 f/4 instead of my “nifty 50,” I really had to crank the ISO, but the only other option was not getting any shot at all, so…

More and better photos will be forthcoming.

An Eclectic Sampling of Books

I’m a voracious reader, so I wind up with the stacks of books all over the place, and they are often a rather eclectic mix!

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

Three years ago today:

As viewed from Mt. Juliet, Tennessee within the band of maximum totality.

Lens play

Testing a lens:

And playing with Nik/Silver Efex Pro 2: